The People
who make the magic happen
Charell Garcia
Owner and Head TrainerCharell has worked and trained with well-known trainers and facilities such as:
- Joyce Heutink
- Johan Hamminga
- Stal Brinkman
- Anton van der Schans (young horse starter)
She was the head trainer at a national dressage and jumping facility for 5 years and taught and trained out of her own facility as well. She has the Dutch equivalent of the USDF instructor certification and has been training in the US since September of 2020. Charell is a USDF silver medalist.
Charell has shown from material classes to FEI and frequently trains with Grand Prix riders Emma Weinert and Nadine Schwartsman.
Rhyan Andersen
Working StudentRhyan has been riding for almost 5 years. She started her riding journey in the Hunter/Jumper arena and quickly found her passion in eventing and dressage. It has been a dream come true to spend her days at the barn working, riding, and learning from Charell.
Rhyan has had great success both in Pony Club and the 4H arena. She is currently rated a C1 in Pony Club and working towards her C2 this summer.

The Horses
who are the magic
2010 KWPN GeldingBy Stedinger x Lancet
Foei is a 16.3 hh dark brown Dutch warmblood gelding. Charell brought him with her when she moved to the US in 2019.
He came into her life in 2016 as a training horse and was gifted to her in 2017. Charell managed to overcome Foei's troubled past and they have built an incredible partnership together. The pair are currently showing FEI level and are embarking on adventures with USEF freestyles.
2015 KWPN GeldingBy El Capone x Krack C
Klassic is a 17 hh dark brown Dutch warmblood gelding. Charell acquired him in 2021 from Sonnenberg Farms in Oregon.
Klassic is progressing nicely with his training and Charell is excited to begin showing him next year.